Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Brochure

Along with providing sponsors with a list of reputable and safe places to stay during the visit, Children International provides a brochure which has a lot of information that sponsors need as they plan the trip. See below:

The Kansas City office needs to be contacted 4-6 weeks prior to the trip and sponsors are encouraged to to contact the US Dept of State for any travel advisories. Numbers and website contacts are provided. The CI office will need to know the flight or cruise information, the city where the sponsor will be staying, the name, address and phone number of the hotel, the dates for staying in the country, the specific date for visiting the child and any companions who will be along on the trip.

Now for the good part :)

Sponsors are responsible for any transportation costs, meal expenses for the sponsor, the child and family member who may attend the visit, as well as staff (which includes the driver and translator) This means Mickey D's will be our main hang out!

Sponsors are responsible for entertainment expenses like visits to parks, movies, ec.

Sponsors make their own travel arrangements such as flight arrangements, hotel accomodations, and transportation to and from the airport. The CI staff makes transportation and translation arrangements (if necessary) directly related to the child's visit. In most cases, sponsors are able to visit the homes of the children.


Visits with a child are limited to one day only and sponsors must realize the the there are certain daytime visiting hours. Offices are open 5 days a week but closed on holidays!

A staff member will accompany the sponsor at all times on the visit.

Weather precautions must be considered and sponsors need to respect cultural differences when expressing affection for the child and his or her family.

Be prepared to draw attention from crowds because new faces especially foreigners often cause excitement in the community.

Sponsors are unable to give direct monetary gifts to families but may purchase gifts for the child or provide gifts through the CI program.

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