Today, I received more shots for the trip and now there are one or two more to go, depending on what the doctor says next. So I was able to do both hepatitis in one shot, and also went ahead with the free flu shot. Now it's time for the motrin. Yellow fever is one of the other ones that is iffy because the CDC site lists Cartagena and Barranquilla as cities that are not at elevated levels of yellow fever, but the map showing high levels includes those two cities. Very confusing. I will probably play it safe and get it and the typhoid shot. We'll see.
Lori emailed me with the itinerary today, which was good news!
June 28
8:30 a.m. Pick up the sponsor (from hotel) (Cartagena)
9:30 a.m. Arrive at Sonia's home
11:00 a.m. Pick up Yiseth at her community center and take both children to La Castellana Mall to have fun, get some lunch,and get a few groceries
2:00 p.m. Sonia and her parent will take a bus home
2:30 p.m. Arrive at Yiseth's home
4:00 p.m. Drop sponsor off at her hotel
June 29
8:30 a.m. Pick up the sponsor (from hotel) (Cartagena)
9:30 a.m. Visit Francisco's community center and home
11:00 a.m. Take Francisco and his siblings to the arcade and to lunch at Caribe Plaza
2:00 p.m. Go shopping for a few groceries
3:00 p.m. Arrive at Francisco's home (so 2 visits at Pancho's home :) )
4:00 p.m. Drop sponsor off at her hotel
June 30
8:30 a.m. Sponsor arrives at the main office (Barranquilla)
8:45 a.m. Tour of the main office
9:00 a.m. Tour of community center
9:30 a.m. Visit Bleidys' home
11:00 a.m. Go to the mall
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Arcade
2:00 p.m. Grocery shopping
3:00 p.m. Sponsor can get picked up at the mall and taken to her hotel in Cartagena
Lori says that adjustments can be made if needed.
So that sounds like a very busy schedule and it looks like I will get to visit all of the centers except Sonia's. Lori told me that all of the children attend different community centers and I wanted tours of them. This looks good. I will be able to hopefully see some of the sponsored children in the centers receiving benefits and find out how often my children visit their centers. I am hoping that they all take advantage of the dental and other services offered if needed. I know that Yiseth and Pancho have both received nutritional supplements for their malnutrition (Yiseth) and anemia (Pancho) . That is one reason why I wanted to do some groceries for the families.And hopefully I can check back periodically with CI to see how Pancho and Yiseth are doing. Bleidys is very thin but her report says that she is healthy and eating well. Sonia seems to be doing well also.
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