Saturday, April 23, 2011

Odds and Ends

Once the flip books arrive, all gifts will be finished unless one of Pancho's other sponsors wants to send something to him. Right now, there is a suitcase to be stuffed with plastic bags filled with gifts for individual children. I am hoping that having the plastic see through bags will help when luggage is checked. I will also have a carryon bag and my personal suitcase.

I am learning how to upload photos and videos onto my notebook computer so hopefully I will be able to add to the blog during the trip. Most photos are to be graced by the children with very few photos of me taken. I am very camera shy!

Other items to take with you on a trip Colombia, according to seasoned travellers, are: plenty of sunblock, sunglasses, a hat, hand sanitizer, bottled H2O, and plenty of change for tips. I have to figure out how to do the currency as I have heard that ATM machines are sometimes emptied of funds!

Other tips to remember:

Don't flag down taxis, call for one!

Stay away from alleys when it gets dark.

Keep your money scattered about in various places on your body.

Keep your passport with you at all times.

Don't drink their water or eat salads.

So I have a notebook filled with tips, suggestions, information, ect. Today I also bought a little book called Spanish At a Glance with has lots of good tips and information, along with a dictionary. I have a very limited Spanish vocabulary acquired from high school and some college classes so this little book should come in handy. I really like this little book that has common phrases which might prove useful. Some of them that I am sure to use are:

Cuanto cuesta el billete? What is the fare?

Acepta targetas de credito? Do you take credit cards?

Estoy solo mirando. I'm just looking!

Cuanto es? How much is that?

Vendra el medico al hotel? Will the doctor come to the hotel????

Tengo un dolor de estomago. I have a stomache!!

Se me ha perdido un lente de contacto. I've lost a contact lense!

No quiero nada frito. I don't want anything fried.

He perdido mi llave. I've lost my key.

Bleidis will be so proud of me when I say something to her in Spanish other than Hola. She was trying to teach me some Spanish words in one of her letters :)


  1. Good tips! Also, in regards to ATM's be sure to only use the ones located in safe areas such as inside shopping centers, in banks or airports. Better yet, try to bring as much currency as you can to avoid using ATM's altogether. Definitely do not hail taxis and always call, there have been some scary stories about the consequences of hailing taxis in Colombia that I've read. Also make sure you know the number and location of the American Embassy/Consulate in Colombia.

    "I don't want anything fried"- For me it would be "I like fried foods - Mi quiero frito!"

    Bleidis will be proud and so happy to meet her sponsor! :)

  2. Thanks for the tips, Annie. I am making copies of all suggestions and information. I really appreciate it. God bless.
